Hello Everyone!
As I may have mentioned in my last post, my consultant was going to be having a meeting with her team to discuss my medication and the possibility of coming off either the Aza tablets or the Humira injections. I'd forgotten all about this conversation until I got a letter in the post last week explaining that this won't be happening until at least August, at my next appointment. They want to leave it a full year of owning old Margaret before taking me off meds.
I know that logically this is a sensible decision and I know if I do end up going for a reversal I want to have the best chances of staying healthy. However... I can't help but be a bit gutted that I won't be lowering the meds. Practically it doesn't really matter, taking tablets is something I have done my whole life for one thing or another and the injections have become routine and no longer bother me. It's more the idea of pumping chemicals and medication in to my body. I'm not a very holistic person but it does scare me sometimes...
Since my last post, many things have happened!
1/ Toby is 6 months old and his puppy teeth are falling out! I found some on the floor, which was a bit bizarre and made me sad - I want him to stay a puppy forever.
2/ I have managed to commit to losing a bit of weight and getting fitter. I think being told I had lost 9 pounds really spurred me on to lose a bit more - I feel given I am half way there, pretty much by accident, I couldn't let myself slip backwards! So recently I have been doing Davina Fit DVDs, which are surprisingly hard but quite fun. I have also cut out takeaways and cut down on McDonalds... I am even signing up for Race For Life! Yes, I am going to try running.... again.
3/ I also had the best ever news... I got a 1st in my dissertation! Something I am over joyed about. I worked incredibly hard on that piece of writting and really enjoyed putting it together. I am really glad that despite everything, nothing got in the way and I still pulled it out of the bag! Hopefully this sets me up and stands me in good stead for my final degree grade.
4/ For my final major project I have set up my own stationery brand called Chroma. I would love all of your support so if you could like my Facebook & Twitter page that would be great! The online site goes live on April 6th - so look out for that too! Thank you :)
5/ As part of keeping slim I also decided to go to a ballet class... I did ballet aged 6 for a term or two and did other types of dance for about four years until I was 16. I have always been pretty flexible and after watching Big Ballet I felt inspired to have a go again. I headed to the class full of anticipation, feeling like I was in Fame! But after the class, I hate to say it, but I was really disappointed. I found it incredibly hard work and difficult to follow which would have been fine but the class was full of people who had been doing it for a long while longer than me and knew what they were doing. It was very hard to keep up and I felt a bit silly. On top of that my knee played up a lot and was really sore afterwards - I ended up having to sit with ice on it to reduce the swelling. So all in all not very successful... which was a big disappointment!
I now have about 4 and half weeks until my final hand in of my final major project, something which will mark the end of my degree! It is obviously a very stressful time and I think this is why my tummy has been a bit sore. Of course it is nothing compared to how it has been but I am getting the odd grumbly tummy ache. I do think this is mainly down to how stressed I feel and working really hard every day either at uni or work. Hopefully once this is all handed in the stress will ease and so will the grumbly tummy.
Coming up is the busiest time of my life so far so I will endeavour to update the blog but if not.. see you on the other side...
Lots of love